If you touched an item belonging to someone long deceased, would you sense his spirit? Could you experience her presence? My encounters tell me sometimes yes, sometimes no. I invite you to share your views on this subject.

Since then, I started this blog, which has put me, via the
internet, in virtual contact with Father Sheehy. As I wrote in my last post, a
descendant of Mr. Billy Griffiths confirmed that a cure Father Sheehy reputedly
left to the Griffiths did indeed exist, even to this day. She could not confirm
its effectiveness, but she assured me that, as late as the 1970s, folks still
sought it out.
I have had other encounters with Father Sheehy’s footprint
on this earth. A young Irish student from Clonmel, County Tipperary, the very
town that held the priest’s trial and execution, contacted me seeking more
information about the historical figure. I told Ciera what I knew, sent a few
photos, and in return, she emailed pictures of the museum’s artifacts. Relics
of which I was unaware.
On this very day, I’ve received more information from an
historian from Clogheen, County Tipperary, the village to which Nicholas Sheehy
ministered. I will share that in another post.
The man was real. His mission was righteous. And he paid the
ultimate price.
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