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Robert Todd Lincoln as a young man--rather dashing! |
I’ve always heard lots about poor Willie, who died while in
the White House, and Tad, called a “notorious hellion” by observers. They say
he even charged people to see his father, but that’s a bit off-topic.
Robert was the only son to reach adulthood and was
enrolled in Harvard during the Civil War years. Mary Todd kept him out of the
war until the final months when he was made a captain and served on Grant’s
immediate staff. Understandably, this embarrassed young Robert Lincoln. As it should have.
Abe and Mary Todd invited Robert to accompany them to the
Ford Theater the night of his father’s assassination, but he declined. Once tragedy
struck, the son rushed to his father’s side and was with Abe
Lincoln at the time of his death.
Notable, but not odd. On to some eerie coincidences. Robert
Todd Lincoln was present at two presidential assassinations and I’m not
counting his father’s.
As James Garfield’s Secretary of War in 1881, Robert was with Garfield at
the Sixth Street Train Station in Washington, DC when the
president was shot. The leader hung on for eleven weeks, then died.
Twenty years later, President William McKinley invited
Lincoln to accompany him to the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.
There, an anarchist shot McKinley in the abdomen, resulting in his death about
a week later.
Robert Lincoln was later invited to another presidential
event, but before anyone else could say it, he responded, "No, I'm not
going, and they'd better not ask me, because there is a certain fatality about
presidential functions when I am present."
There have been four fatal assassinations of presidents of
the United States in our history. Robert Todd Lincoln was in attendance or
arrived shortly thereafter for three of
Now for good measure, one more odd coincidence. While in
college, Robert Todd Lincoln was jostled on a crowded railroad platform in
Jersey City until he was crushed against the train. In later years he wrote,
“In this situation the train began to move, and by the motion I was twisted off
my feet, and had dropped somewhat, with feet downward, into the open space, and
was personally helpless.”
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Run, Robert! Run! |
Robert told of the incident to a colleague on Grant’s staff
who happened to be Edwin Booth’s friend. The friend wrote Booth of the
incident, who remembered it, but had had no idea the young man was the
president’s son. They say it was a comfort to him in later years after his
brother, John Wilkes’s dirty deeds.
Robert Todd Lincoln lived to the ripe old age of
eighty-two--not the rock star his father had been, but witness to some of the
most momentous events of his lifetime. An intelligent Forrest Gump, you might say.
NOTE: This article was reworked from a previous post on my private blog.
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